Wednesday 22 December 2010

Roller Coaster Of Emotions.

Today was very much like a roller coaster of emotions. Constantly up and down. This morning I was on top of the world, and then everything under me was knocked down and I became depressed. Making me think about it a little makes me feel a little down, but not a lot. Daydreaming got the better of me today. That's where I fell, and stayed down. I let myself stay like that and was depressed as hell. I need to knock myself out of it. I then found out that music DID change my emotions. It was brilliant. Now I'm listening to it more, I'm bringing myself back up now. I'm back on the fence now, on one half I'm battling with reality, and the other half the fantasy world. It's how I live, and will continue on this way. 

I'm back on top now. Think positive. That's the way to go. I guess I'll sleep it off now. Not feeling so good about getting up early though. I hate early dentist appointments. I despise them... Gotta look forward to the big lie in on Christmas Eve though. That's another positive thing. Christmas. Best time of the year for some. Gotta stay on the positive now :) 


  1. heyy, nice blogg
    do you think you could follow minee?
    i need followers :)

  2. thanks!
    i love your blog to but for some reason i can't follow it!?! i'll keep trying. I keep getting this message every time I click follow. Maybe there's something wrong with it? I dunno.... I'll see what's up with it :)
